Getting your videos into YouTube recommendations is a great way to grow your channel, but it’s not always easy. This post from MiniTool software will provide you with several effective tips on how to get YouTube to recommend your videos.

How Do YouTube Recommendations Work

To know how to get your videos into YouTube recommendations, you need to know how YouTube recommendations work.  Let’s understand the YouTube recommendations algorithm first.

YouTube’s algorithm uses various metrics, including watch time, relevance, viewing history, and engagement, to determine which videos to recommend to users. By increasing the watch time of your video, you can improve its ranking in the algorithm and make it more likely to appear in recommendations. Additionally, YouTube considers factors, like view count, retention, and engagement when providing recommendations to each user.

So, how to get YouTube to recommend your videos? Many people think that the YouTube algorithm is out of their control, but the opposite is true. As you’ll discover when researching YouTube analytics, you can make the YouTube algorithm work for you.

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How to Get YouTube to Recommend Your Videos

To get your videos into YouTube recommendations, here are some expert tips for you to do that.

1. Create engaging content

When you create YouTube content, it’s important to make your video content engaging. Creating engaging video content for YouTube is one way to ensure your audience subscribes and keeps them. You can think of it as an opportunity to connect with your audience and build a community around your brand.

2. Increase engagement with your audience

Viewer engagement with your videos is also something to consider if you want to appear in YouTube’s recommended section.  The more your viewers interact with your videos, the more likely those videos will be recommended to other potential viewers. Therefore, encourage your audience to like, comment, share, and subscribe. You can try to add a call-to-action at the end of your videos or ask a question for them to answer in the comments to connect with your viewers.

3. Optimize your YouTube titles and descriptions

Before choosing a YouTube video we want to watch, we always see the title and description to see if it’s interesting enough. A great title and description will not only get more people to click on your video but will also help the YouTube algorithm understand exactly what your video is about. So, optimizing your titles and descriptions is a must if you want to get your videos into YouTube recommendations.

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4. Increase watch time

The longer viewers watch your video, the better the algorithm thinks your video is. So, if you can increase the watch time of your videos, the YouTube algorithm will rank your videos better and videos with long watch time may appear in the YouTube recommendations more often.

5. Make YouTube playlists

Creating a YouTube playlist is an effective way to demonstrate to viewers that a collection of videos is connected in some way. This strategy can significantly boost the likelihood of viewers staying engaged and watching one video after another, which can ultimately lead to increased watch time.

Also Read:How to Change a YouTube Playlist from Private to Public

6. Use catchy thumbnails

The thumbnails on your YouTube videos are crucial as they create the first impression on viewers and can determine whether they click on your video or not. Thumbnails play a significant role as they represent the video content, boost your click-through rate, and make it more likely that your videos will be recommended for relevant searches.

7. Keep up with video trends

One more thing to get your videos into YouTube recommendations is to keep up with the latest video trends. Whenever something is trending, you see content everywhere. This is your perfect opportunity to talk about trends and increase your views.

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Bottom Line

That’s how to get YouTube to recommend your videos. Getting your videos into YouTube recommendations is not easy. Try these tips above to get your content recommended by YouTube. If you combine all of these things and do them well, you’ll see results over time.

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