Do you know YouTube algorithm? Do you know how does the YouTube algorithm work? If you want to find out the answers, you can read this post offered by MiniTool. It will show you detailed information about YouTube algorithm. If you want to increase your YouTube video views, you’d better know about it firstly.

Want to increase your YouTube video views? Your first step is to figure out what’s new about the YouTube algorithm.

increase your YouTube video views

Read also: 8 Powerful Secrets of Increasing YouTube Traffic (100% Works).

More than 70% of the time users spend on YouTube is spent watching content recommended by algorithms, and the average length of video viewing on mobile phones is 60 minutes.

What is algorithm? YouTube algorithm guides viewers’ behavior, and it also has a big impact on the people who make these videos.

What your video is about, what keywords you put in the metadata, how long it is, when you post it, and what action your call to action requires, will affect not only your video, but the success of your entire YouTube marketing strategy.

Here are some of the latest information behind the scenes on YouTube, so that your video can claim its rightful place in all of YouTube videos.

How Does the YouTube Algorithm Work?

YouTube’s search and discovery system has two goals: to help viewers find the videos they want to watch, and to maximize long-term engagement and satisfaction.

YouTube algorithm affects six different places on YouTube: search results, the YouTube homepage notifications, channel subscriptions, the recommended streams, and trending streams.

The Algorithm Filters Recommendations

YouTube algorithm tracks viewers’ perceived satisfaction, thereby creating an addictive stream of personalized recommendations.

Essentially, a neural network filters videos based on their history and the viewing of similar users to determine whether they are appropriate for the viewer’s next choice. Meanwhile, a second neural network ranks the videos by scoring them.

This is based on factors that have not yet been fully revealed: although the new features of the video and the frequency of a channel being uploaded are mentioned.

The goal is not to find good videos, but to match viewers with the videos they want to watch. The ultimate goal is to get them to spend as much time on the platform and see as many ads as possible. As YouTube users spend more time on the platform, they are directed to longer, more popular videos.

The Algorithm Ranks Search Results

Search results on YouTube are based on two main factors:

  1. How well the video metadata including title, description and keyword matches the user query.
  2. How many users your video has attracted as determined by likes, comments, and viewing time.

However, YouTube stresses that the search results are not a list of the most viewed videos for a given query.

How Does YouTube Determine the Algorithm?

The following part will show you some user behaviors that are part of what guides the algorithm’s choices.

  1. what people watch or don’t watch
  2. how new a video is
  3. how fast will a video’s popularity grow, or not
  4. time people spend watching your videos
  5. time people spend on the platform (Further reading: [Guide] 8 Tips to Increase Youtube Watch Time in 2020.)
  6. the frequency at which a channel uploads new video
  7. “not interested” feedback
  8. like, dislike, shares

Remember that algorithm is complex, constantly changing, and in many ways unknowable.

Bottom Line

To sum up, this post has shown you some information about YouTube algorithm. You should know how the YouTube algorithm works and how YouTube determines the algorithm. Hope this post can be helpful to you.

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