As a popular website for sharing videos, (Try MiniTool software to create cool YouTube videos.) YouTube also offers a Live Streaming feature, while Open Broadcast Software is one of the most popular tools for video recording and live streaming. Therefore, how to stream on YouTube with OBS?

Below are the steps on how to stream on YouTube with OBS. It is recommended to have a general idea of YouTube streaming rules before you start streaming.

Step 1. Verify Your YouTube Account

Only a verified account can live stream on YouTube. If your account hasn’t been verified, please navigate to the Account verification page. It will take 24 hours to activate your account for live streaming. Once activated, you can go live instantly.

1. Sign in to your verified YouTube account and click on the Camera icon in the upper right corner and select Go live icon. Alternatively, you can tap on your profile and select YouTube Studio from the pop-up list. Then tap on the Go live icon.

tap on the Go live icon

2. After that, the streaming page appears. There are a number of options, which can help you customize your own stream, including: name, description, category, privacy settings and delay options. You can set up them according to your preference. If you need more specific help, the Live streaming checklist option is provided on the right side of YouTube.

3. After completing the streaming settings, return to the Basic Info tab and take note of your stream name and key (use the Reveal button to display it).

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Step 2. Set up OBS

4. Download OBS from the official website and install it on your PC.

5. Go to the Stream tab using the left menu and select YouTube/YouTube Gaming from the Service drop-down menu.

6. In the Stream key field, type in your YouTube stream key. This will link OBS with YouTube so that when you stream with OBS, it goes straight to your YouTube channel.

7. After entering its main interface, click File on the upper toolbar and select Settings from the drop-down menu. Here you can adjust some parameters for your streaming.

8. Exit the settings menu by hitting Apply, followed by OK.

If you want to stream from an external camera, select click the + icon under Sources and choose Video Capture Device and then select your camera.

With all of the above settings in place and your YouTube channel configured to accept your stream, it’s time to start your live streaming.

Step 3. Start Streaming

9. If you are ready, click the Start Streaming button in OBS.

10. Then switch to YouTube to confirm your stream is on your YouTube live stream dashboard.

11. When you finish your streaming, just simply click the Stop Streaming button in OBS.

Bottom Line

How to stream on YouTube with OBS? It would be a piece of cake after reading this post, right? If you have any questions or suggestions about it, please let us know via [email protected] or share them in the comments section below.

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