YouTube boasts lots of videos, some of which can be cited in professional or academic researches. Do you want to cite a YouTube video in Chicago style? If yes, this post details “how to cite a YouTube video Chicago” properly. Scroll down to get details.

What Is Chicago Style?

Chicago style is a system adopted by researchers to structure their history or social science work and references. Chicago has two systems of in-text citation: Notes and Bibliography system and Author-Date system.

The Notes and Bibliography system (NB) uses footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. It is most often used in history, literature, and art works.

The Author-Date system adopts in-text citations and bibliographies to structure Chicago citations. It is most often used in social science or science works.

This is a rough instruction of Chicago style. Please keep reading to see “how to cite a YouTube video Chicago”.

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How to Cite a YouTube Video in Chicago Style?

There are two steps to cite a YouTube video in Chicago style: get information for citation and edit the citation in Chicago style.

Get Information for Citation

You should collect 5 pieces of information for a YouTube video citation and they are:

  • Channel name;
  • Video name;
  • Video upload date;
  • Video URL;
  • Video length.

Where to find the 5 pieces of information? Open YouTube and play the video you want to cite. You will see information about channel name, video name, video upload date, and video length. To get the video URL, you can right-click the video, choose Copy video URL, and paste the copied link in a document.

get 5 pieces of information for a YouTube video citation

How Long a YouTube Video Can Be? Can You Make It Longer?
How Long a YouTube Video Can Be? Can You Make It Longer?

How long a YouTube video can be? More than 15 minutes or less? This depends on if your YouTube account is verified or not. Read the post to get more details.

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Edit Your Citation in Chicago Style

After collecting the needed information for a YouTube video citation, you can edit your citation in Chicago style.

Use the Notes and Bibliography system:

How to use the NB system? Here take using footnotes or endnotes for example.

There are three citation formats you can adopt: full notes, short notes, and bibliography entries.

1. Full notes:

Format: Channel name, “Video name”, Upload date, video, Video length, Video URL.

Example: MiniTool Software Ltd, “How to Fix Computer Keeps Restarting Randomly on Windows 10,” October 20, 2020, video, 3:09,

2. Short notes:

Format: Channel name, “Shorted video name.”

Example: MiniTool Software Ltd, “Fix Computer Keeps Restarting Randomly.”

3. Bibliography entries:

Format: Channel name. “Video name.” Video upload time. Video, Video length. Video URL.

Example: MiniTool Software Ltd. “How to Fix Computer Keeps Restarting Randomly on Windows 10.” October 20, 2020. Video, 3:09.

Use the Author-Date system:

Compare to the above system, using the Author-Date system is much easier. The in-text citations contain only the channel name and publication year: MiniTool Software Ltd 2020.

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How to Fix YouTube Subscriptions Not Working? Four Cases Included

Is YouTube subscriptions not working? If so, read the post and choose a fix works best for your case to solve the issue.

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Final Words

After reading, do you have some doubts about “how to cite a YouTube video Chicago”? If there is something unclear, please point it pout in the following comment zone and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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