When you scroll down on your phone to watch YouTube Shorts videos, you may find the recommended content is almost similar. How to make YouTube Shorts refresh content to get interesting videos? Follow the post from MiniTool Video Converter to explore the methods to fix the problem of “YouTube Shorts keep showing same videos”.

YouTube’s recommendation algorithm is designed to show you the videos you may like based on watch histories, interactions, and preferences. If you always watch certain types of videos, the algorithm may continue to push similar content. Sometimes it also has to do with personalization settings and application updates. Keep reading to know why YouTube Shorts keep showing the same videos and how to fix it.

1. Clear Watch History

Clearing your viewing histories will reset the algorithm, change the recommended content, and reduce repetitive short videos. Regularly clearing your watch history on your phone enables the algorithm to present new and diverse videos. The steps to clear watch history are as follows.

Step 1. Open the YouTube application on your phone and tap on your channel avatar at the right bottom corner.

Step 2. Tap on the View all button next to the History section.

Step 3. Tap the three-dot icon at the right-upper corner and select the Clear all watch history option from the list. Finally, choose Clear watch history to confirm the option.

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2. Like or Dislike, Share, and Comment Shorts

Liking, disliking, sharing, and commenting on videos can influence YouTube algorithms. When you watch an interesting video and leave a like or comment, the algorithm will figure out that users like this kind of video and recommend more similar videos in the future.

Disliking a video is a signal of disliking this type of content. So, YouTube may reduce to present videos users don’t like. Active comments on your desired videos can increase the chances of showing similar content.

Besides, the viewing duration, subscribed YouTube channels, search histories, and watching habits are important factors to affect the recommendation algorithm. Through those interactions and changes, you can make the algorithm more relevant to your interests and preferences.

3. Watch Diverse Shorts

When you watch a variety of videos, watching history will become more diversified so that the algorithm can fully understand your interests. If you usually watch certain kinds of videos, watching other videos can break the algorithm’s inherent pattern of your preferences.

Liking, sharing, or commenting on various videos can serve as a signal that you are interested in the content. Therefore, the algorithm can know your preferences better. Watching and interacting with different videos creates a positive feedback loop. The algorithm keeps learning and adjusting to satisfy your needs.

In a word, by watching diverse videos you can effectively train the YouTube algorithm to more accurately reflect your viewing preferences and provide richer and more personalized content recommendations.

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4. Log in to Your YouTube Account Again

Log out and then sign in to your account can temporarily reset the algorithm because it will reevaluate your watch history and preference. Logging in again will reduce the effects of previous watching habits on the recommendation algorithm.

If you haven’t watched YouTube videos for a long time, the algorithm will take into account the changes over the period and provide different types of videos. After signing in to your account again, you can cancel subscriptions to some channels you don’t like which can change the recommendations in the future.

5. Update YouTube App

Updating the YouTube app can’t alter the recommendation algorithm directly, but it can ensure that you have the latest features and improvements of YouTube. Those changes may affect your recommendation experience.

Updates may fix bugs or issues that previously affected the performance of the recommender system, improving the relevance and accuracy of recommendations.

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If your YouTube Shorts keep showing same videos, try the methods mentioned in this post to fix the issue. If you want to watch interested YouTube Shorts videos offline, use MiniTool Video Converter to download them.

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