If you want to analyze the meaning of the lyrics, you can download the lyrics of the song. This MiniTool Video Converter article provides you with 3 free YouTube lyrics extractors. See which one is more suitable for you!

How to See the Lyrics of a Song on YouTube/YouTube Music

You may want to see the lyrics when you listen to a song on YouTube or YouTube Music. Here are many ways to find the lyrics of a song.

On YouTube:

  1. Play a music video on YouTube.
  2. Turn on the Subtitles/closed caption(c) option at the bottom of the player.
  3. Then you can see the lyrics below the video.

On YouTube Music:

  1. Play a song on YouTube Music.
  2. In the right of the interface, choose the LYRICS tab. If YouTube Music provides lyrics for the song, you can see the full lyrics under this tab. The lyrics provided by YouTube Music can be copied and pasted anywhere, such as a Word document.
If you find that the LYRICS tab is gray, or it says Lyrics not available after clicking the LYRICS tab, it means that YouTube Music has not yet included the lyrics of the song.
How to Listen to YouTube Music Offline with/without Premium
How to Listen to YouTube Music Offline with/without Premium

Can you listen to YouTube Music offline without premium? How to listen to YouTube Music offline for free? Here are the best tools.

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2 Online YouTube Lyrics Extractor

As mentioned above, sometimes you can’t get the lyrics of songs on YouTube Music. At this time, you can only use some YouTube lyrics extractors to grab the lyrics. Here are 2 online YouTube lyrics extractors. Next, I will briefly introduce the functions and usage of these online tools for you.

#1. Genelify

Genelify is a website that has an online YouTube transcript extraction tool. This tool supports extracting subtitles in YouTube videos to text. You can also get the lyrics of a song in YouTube Music. You just need to enter the URL of the YouTube video or YouTube Music song and wait for the results.

Steps to get lyrics of songs on YouTube using Genelify:

  1. Get the URL of a YouTube Music song.
  2. Visit to Genelify (https://www.genelify.com/), click on Tools, choose YouTube Transcript Extractor.
  3. Paste the copied URL into the address bar and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  4. Wait a minute, scroll down, and you will see the status of the lyrics (successful or unsuccessful), the channel name, and the title of the song.
  5. Scroll down again to see the text of the lyrics. You can choose to copy the lyrics directly or click the DOWNLOAD button to download them.
Download the song’s lyrics with Genelify

#2. NoteGPT

NoteGPT is a practical YouTube song to text converter. It can download YouTube video subtitles and the lyrics of YouTube Music. You can efficiently get the lyrics of songs on YouTube Music without waiting for a long time. In addition, you can choose the formats before you download the lyrics, including SRT, TXT, etc.

Steps to get lyrics of songs on YouTube using NoteGPT:

  1. Go to the YouTube or YouTube Music website and get the song’s URL.
  2. Navigate to NoteGPT (https://notegpt.io/), choose AI YOUTUBE on the top of the interface, and select YouTube Subtitle Downloader.
  3. Paste the copied URL into the address bar and click on Generate Subtitles.
  4. The lyrics will then be recognized and displayed below the address bar. Click the Copy button to copy the lyrics directly. You can also choose to download the lyrics in SRT or TXT format.
Download the song’s lyrics with NoteGPT

Best Desktop YouTube Lyrics Extractor

MiniTool Video Converter allows you to download YouTube videos, music, playlists, podcasts, and even the subtitles. Also, this free application supports downloading YouTube Music songs and their lyrics in SRT file.

The reason why MiniTool Video Converter is recommended is that it can download the MV of the song while getting the lyrics. If you also want to kill two birds with one stone, you can try this super simple application.

MiniTool Video ConverterClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

How to use MiniTool Video Converter to download the lyrics and MV? Here are steps:

Step 1: Download and install MiniTool Video Converter on your computer.

Step 2: Go to the YouTube Music website. When you play a song, you can see the three-dot icon in the playback control bar at the bottom of the interface. Click it, select Share from the menu, and then click on Copy in the pop-up window to get the URL of the song.

Step 3: Launch this free YouTube lyrics extractor, switch the Video Download tab, paste the song’s URL into the address bar, and click on Download.

Choose Video Download, paste the URL into the address bar, and click on Download

Step 4: In the pop-up window, choose an output format of the MV, tick on the Subtitle option, and click on DOWNLOAD.

Select an output format of the MV, tick on the Subtitle option, and click on DOWNLOAD

Step 5: The music videos of the songs will be downloaded to the same folder as the songs. You can find their location by clicking the Navigate to file icon after the download is complete.

Click the Navigate to file icon to find the location of the downloaded lyrics file and MV


This post gives you 3 free YouTube lyrics extractors. If you want to quickly get the lyrics of a song, you can choose Genelify and NoteGPT’s YouTube subtitle grabber. If you want to get the lyrics and MV of a song at the same time, you must not miss MiniTool Video Converter!

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