If you ask how much do Youtubers make, this article offered by MiniTool is what you need. It will introduce how much do Youtubers make per view/per 1,000 views/per subscriber/per video for you. After reading this article, you should be able to know it better. Hope it can help you.

You’re sitting in bed, flipping your phone over, wearing headphones, watching your favorite artist’s channel, makeup tutorials, “how to” videos, or prank channels you can never get enough of.

You might think that the content these people upload is free. Sure, that’s how they might have started in the early days, but some of the most-watched channels on YouTube are making money and a lot of it.

How much do Youtubers make? That’s what we’re going to tell you.

Read also: How to Make Money on YouTube – 9 Highly Efficient Ways

How Much Do YouTubers Make Per View?

Want to know how much do Youtubers make per view? According to various sources, YouTubers earn between $0.01 and $0.03 per view with AdSense, with an average of $0.18 per view. However, the amount YouTube.com will pay depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • Video length
  • Video views
  • Ad clicks
  • AD quality
  • Adblockers

How Much Do YouTubers Make Per 1,000 Views?

YouTube’s average ad rate hovers between $0.01 and $0.03. A YouTuber can earn about $18 per 1,000 ad views, which comes out to $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views. According to Forbes, a top talent YouTuber makes about $5 per 1,000 video views.

That said, creating a YouTube channel can be a great sideline, especially if you’re producing content that appeals to a large audience.

How Much Money Do YouTubers Make Per Subscriber?

YouTube does not pay you based on the number of subscribers on your channel. Subscribers are people who choose to follow your account so they can easily access your latest videos. When you post a video, it automatically appears on their home page.

Subscribers are valuable because they are the ones most likely to comment, like, and share your videos with more people. This means that if you put the right ads, you can get more views and potentially YouTube revenue. So while YouTube doesn’t pay you based on the number of subscribers you have, they are inseparable from the number of views your video gets.

How Much Do YouTubers Make Per Video?

How much do Youtubers make per video depends on a number of factors, such as how many views they get and how many Google ads are shown throughout the video.

According to Forbes, the pay per 1,000 clicks is $5, and a YouTube video with 1 million views can earn upwards of $5,000, making being an influencer in the modern world a pretty lucrative job.

However, as mentioned earlier, these are estimates, and the revenue of some YouTubers depends more or less on the quality of the ads, click through rate (CTR), and other factors.

How Do I Get 4000 Hours on YouTube to Monetize the Channel?
How Do I Get 4000 Hours on YouTube to Monetize the Channel?

You may have a question “how do I get 4000 hours on YouTube”. Get the instructions here and also some requirements you need to meet to apply for YPP.

Read More

Bottom Line

How much do Youtubers make? Now you should know this better by now. This article has shown you how much do Youtubers make per view/per 1,000 views/per subscriber/per video in detail. Hope it can be helpful to you.

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