Maybe you are looking for a way to improve programming. YouTube is the best platform to learn programming. The MiniTool Video Converter post will share with you the best YouTube channels to learn programming.

Learning how to program is a brilliant skill for everyone, but learning it well is not an easy task. There are plentiful platforms to learn coding and programming, and YouTube is a diversified platform with numerous free courses about programming. Below is a list of the 7 best YouTube channels to learn programming.

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#1. Derek Banas

Derek Banas is one of the best YouTube channels to learn programming. This channel is dedicated to teaching viewers to do anything. Supporters can request videos through the Discord channel so that each viewer can get tailored content.

In the playlists, there is a wide range of tutorials, including HTML, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, CSS, NodeJS, Illustrator CC, React, Statistics, and so on, but the main area of expertise includes programming and web design. At the same time, the playlist contains some sources on developing software for iOS and Android.

In addition, Derek Benas provides students with tutorials in linear algebra, trigonometry, and pre-calculus to help them learn the math concepts needed for programming.

Subscribers: 1.29M

Videos: 1233

Most Watched Video: Python Programming

Derek Banas
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8 Best Python YouTube Channels for Learning Python

Do you want to learn Python? Can you learn Python on YouTube? What are the best Python YouTube channels? This is the ultimate list.

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#2. Treehouse

Treehouse is a programming channel on YouTube and has courses on hundreds of topics including how to build a website, how to build a web app, how to build a mobile app, and how to start a business. This channel also contains the Treehouse Show, which is a combination of programming news, web development, and some useful tips and interviews.

Subscribers: 367K

Videos: 760

Most Watched Video: How do I Start a Career in Tech

#3. Net Ninja

This channel is dedicated to improving your web development skills and includes more than 2000 free programming tutorial videos about JavaScript, React, PHP, Flutter, Open AI, CSS, and more. Unlike some other channels, Net Ninja focuses on skills without videos about personal life and live streaming. For those who like to get right to the point and prefer videos that are no longer than 15 minutes, Net Ninja is a good choice.

Subscribers: 1.45M

Videos: 2.3K

Most Watched Video: Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #1

Net Ninja

#4. LearnWebCode

If you want to learn mostly about WordPress, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, you can search for LearnWebCode on YouTube and get started quickly. It has tons of front-end development videos that explain all the core scripting themes in detail. It also teaches premium courses which are available on its website.

Subscribers: 339K

Videos: 163

Most Watched Video: WordPress Tutorial 1

#5. ProgrammingKnowledge

ProgrammingKnowledge is the most recommended programming YouTube channel. It offers a wide array of content that helps you master programming quickly, including Python, Android development, C++ programming, Linux, and so on. Among all tutorials, the C programming tutorial is considered the most comprehensive course in the playlists.

Subscribers: 1.75M

Videos: 3.5K

Most Watched Video: How to create Partition on Windows 10


#6. Academind

Academind is a YouTube channel founded and run by Maximilian Schwarzmüller and Manuel Lorenz. Videos can range from less than one minute long to a few hours and contain clash courses for beginners, along with more advanced topics. This channel also teaches web development (JavaScript, CSS, and HTML) and new technologies like ChatGPT.

Subscribers: 910K

Videos: 724

Most Watched Video: Visual Studio Code Tutorial for Beginners

#7. Adam Khoury

Adam Khoury is a comprehensive channel to teach you something you like, but most of the videos focus on JavaScript, PHP, HTML, and more. Videos have a variety of topics including programming, philosophy, design, development, history, the human condition, and more. At the same time, it is a programming YouTube channel for beginners. As a beginner, you can easily find the tutorial in the playlists to learn programming.

Subscribers: 172K

Videos: 744

Most Watched Video: Json tutorials for beginners learn on how to program part 1 JavaScript

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The 4 Best Linux YouTube Channels Each Linux User Should Explore

Are you searching for something to help you learn Linux? We have selected a few of the top Linux YouTube channels. They will help you get started.

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YouTube can be the best platform for you to learn programming. This post provides several of the best YouTube channels to learn programming. Hope they can help you learn programming.

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