This post from MiniTool Video Converter will take you through 7 great swimming YouTube channels. With them, you can discover astonishing underwater feats, wonderful swim competitions, and expert tips. Here we go!

#1. Chloe Sutton

The first video: 9 July 2014

Chloe Sutton is a two-time Olympian who shares her passion and expertise for swimming on her YouTube channel. Ideal for swimmers of every level, her content ranges from tips about stroke technique to nutrition advice, all presented in a personal and relatable way.

Chloe shares her swimming journey honestly and openly. This makes her personal channel both educational and engaging. One of her outstanding series is Ask Chloe, in which she answers viewers’ questions on a variety of swimming topics, offering valuable guidance from the perspective of an elite athlete.

#2. Effortless Swimming

The first video: 2 December 2008

Effortless Swimming

Effortless Swimming is one of the best swimming YouTube channels we bring to you. Started by Australian swim coach Brenton Ford, it’s a comprehensive channel targeted at swimmers and triathletes of every age and level. Their videos focus mainly on the technical aspects of swimming and offer tips to increase training efficiency, mindset, and motivation.

One of the key strengths of Effortless Swimming is the regular podcast episodes, in which Brenton interviews prominent athletes, coaches, and experts in the realm of swimming and triathlon. Also, Effortless Swimming includes product reviews and showcases a variety of training facilities worldwide.

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#3. Skills N’ Talents

The first video: 13 November 2014

Skills N’ Talents provides an abundance of high-quality content for swimmers of every level. It offers step-by-step video tutorials about all four competitive strokes as well as in-depth explanations of swimming drills and techniques.

The most notable aspect of Skills N’ Talents is the inclusion of dryland training videos, making it one of the top YouTube channels for swimming.

#4. Simply Swim

The first video: 2 September 2010

Simply Swim

Simply Swim is dedicated to everything about the world of swimming, with product reviews, interviews, and guides. It is ideal for those interested in swimming, from inexperienced swimmers to professional ones seeking new gear and product ideas.

The outstanding feature of this channel is its detailed product reviews and purchasers’ guides, making it simple to find the ideal gear for your swimming needs. In addition, Simply Swim offers interviews with professional swimmers and coaches, featuring unique insights into the top aesthetics of the sport.

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#5. Swim Smooth

The first video: 14 October 2006

Swim Smooth was founded by British swim coach Paul Newsome, with a focus on creating an efficient and tailored approach to swimming. It provides professional insights into the swimming’s technical aspects and acts as a comprehensive resource for athletes and coaches alike.

Swim Smooth’s Swim Types series is a one-of-a-kind selling point, in which Newsome identifies six different kinds of swimmers depending on their characteristics, swimming style, and body style. Additionally, the videos offer tailored advice, making it a great resource for those looking to improve their swimming skills.

#6. GoSwim

The first video: 19 January 2007


GoSwim is one of the most amazing swimming YouTube channels for swimming enthusiasts. The channel offers many practical tips, drills, and tutorials for every skill level. It has a team of seasoned swim coaches to give thorough breakdowns related to technical aspects, training philosophies, and dryland exercises.

With a huge library of content, GoSwim has something for you. Videos address various topics from enhancing your Freestyle technique to improving your Flip Turns. Moreover, this channel consistently updates its resources to ensure swimmers learn and evolve continuously.

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#7. SwimLifeGuru

The first video: 22 September 2015

SwimLifeGuru is hosted by competitive swimmer Gina. It provides a casual and entertaining glimpse into the world of swimming. Her channel includes videos about swim gear, workouts, stroke tips, and vlogs that showcase her passion for the sport.

The strength of SwimLifeGuru is Gina’s honest and relatable method of sharing her swimming journey, which makes you feel like you are learning from a friend. Her video series about swim gear reviews as well as training diaries are particularly popular among viewers.

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The top swimming YouTube channels we feature in this post cover various topics on swimming, like dryland exercises, workouts, and stroke techniques. Choose your favorite one or more and subscribe today!

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